Stay connected to your study abroad experience and over 160,000 fellow alumni from our programs. Each year, IES Abroad hosts various events to make this possible. Whether it's reuniting at an Alumni Weekend or networking at a Meetup or Special Event, we’re here to help you stay in touch with your global IES Abroad alumni community.
Connect with our network of over 160,000 alumni.
IES Abroad alumni are quick to say how their experiences changed their lives — and we have the proof. See alumni photos from years past, and stay connected to hear about upcoming alumni events.
“One aspect of being abroad I feel like I never anticipated, before or throughout my journey, is how irrevocably changed I feel now afterwards. I came and left with the same suitcase, the same hair, the same clothing, and yet I feel transformed in so many ways. It’s amazing the way your life can change in just two months.”Annika R. • University of Missouri – Columbia • Milan Summer – Internship
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