Upcoming Website Maintenance

Early this Monday morning U.S. Central Time the IES Abroad website will undergo scheduled maintenance. During this time some or all features of the site - like login and account creation - will be unavailable, but we expect this disruption to be brief. Thank you for your patience.

Dr. Michael Adewumi headshot

Michael Adewumi

Provost & Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

Dr. Michael Adewumi is the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost at IES Abroad. In this role, he provides leadership and oversight for all academic affairs at IES Abroad.

Before joining IES Abroad in January 2019, Michael served as the Vice Provost for Global Programs and the Senior International Officer at Penn State University, where he provided leadership and oversight for all Penn State’s international engagements. Prior to that, Michael was the Director of The Alliance for Education, Science, Engineering and Development in Africa (AESEDA) at the University. In 2007, Dr. Adewumi served as the inaugural UNESCO Chair in Georesources Management at the University of Ibadan in Nigeria, a partnership initiative between UNESCO, Penn State University, University of Ibadan, and University of Cape Town. 

He was Professor of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering at Penn State for more than three decades. Upon leaving Penn State, he was honored with the titles of Emeritus Professor and Emeritus Vice Provost. In 2008, Michael Adewumi was elected Fellow of the Nigerian Academy of Engineering. Michael also served on the Board of Directors of NAFSA from 2016-2019.

Dr. Adewumi holds a Bachelor’s of Science (1st Class Honors) degree in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Ibadan and Master’s and PhD degrees in Gas Engineering from Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago.