Matthew Rader
Matthew Rader, Ed.D., is the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students for IES Abroad. Dr. Rader has more than 30 years of higher education experience in traditional and international student affairs. At IES Abroad, Dr. Rader is responsible for the health, safety, and general welfare of more than 10,000 students annually. He is a frequent presenter at ACPA, NASPA, NAFSA, and The Forum on International Education on topics related to the student experience in study abroad. He has a chapter titled “The Role of the Dean of Students in Study Abroad” published in the New Directions for Student Services - Undergraduate Global Education: Issues for Faculty, Staff, and Students by Jossey-Bass. Dr. Rader is the immediate past co-chair of the NASPA International Education Knowledge Community (IEKC) and presently serves on The Forum on Education Abroad Health and Safety Institute Committee and the NASPA International Symposium.