It's official. The weeks of blazing heat have come to an end and crisp fall weather has arrived! This change in the seasons made for the perfect biking weather so naturally my friends and I had to take advantage! This weekend consisted of two bike trips: one to the nearby Broek in Waterland, and one to the island of Texel (which involved more transportation than just a bike!) The bike to Broek was one of my favorite day trips so far! The weather was perfect and the bike ride itself to this quaint little town was arguably my favorite part of the day. We biked through vibrant green fields spotted with cows, horses and goats. The path we took lead us directly through the center of these fields so it was nice to not be on a crowded street filled with cars. We also passed the coolest houses along the way! They were located along a canal and each one was so unique that we had trouble taking in all the details as we cycled by. After about an hour we reached the town of Broek and decided to replenish ourselves at what turned out to be an incredibly delicious Dutch pancake house. We wandered around the town for a bit, taking in the architecture and then headed home. Here are a few photographs from that day:
A friend of mine biking through the sunny fields
Bike group for the day
Shamefully we had to take a break at the half way point of our 1 hour bike ride
The inside of the cozy pancake house
The streets of Broek
Most of the roofs in Broek resemble the one in this photograph
Sunset the night after our bike trip
The next day we left early for our trip to Texel. Our bike to Central Station was followed by an hour long train ride which was followed by a short bus ride which lead us to the ferry which finally brought us to Texel! After arriving on the island it was easy to see why so many people choose to vacation here: its rolling fields and beaches provided the ideal atmosphere for some rest and relaxation. We spent much of the next two days biking around the island but we also took a ride on a shrimp boat, stopped by a popular local brewery and a national park! Photos below:
My friends and I on the incredibly windy shrimp boat
& another boat pic
A panoramic view of the dunes in the national park
Clearly downpoured minutes after this photo was taken
Friends and more dunes
Shout out to this bike for making this picture much more cute
Rain rain rain
Heading back to the park entrance only after our clothes were completely saturated with rain

Lindsey Foster
<p>"It feels good to be lost in the right direction" </p>
<p>Leading a dangerously caffeine dependent life and learning as much as I can wherever I go. </p>
<p>University of Massachusetts Amherst ---> University of Amsterdam </p>