Renew (or Apply for!) Your Passport ASAP
Passport applications and renewals are taking longer than normal these days. Save yourself from the last-minute stress by making sure:
- You have a passport
- The expiration date is at least six months after your study abroad program ends
Visit to locate U.S. passport agencies in your area.
Visa Requirements
South Korea requires U.S. citizens to obtain a student visa before studying abroad for a semester or longer.
US Citizenship and Korean Descent If you hold US citizenship, but your parents were born in Korea, the Korean Consulate considers you a Korean citizen. Contact your Korean Consulate regarding your ability to obtain a Korean visa because the process can be lengthy.
Dual Citizenship and Korean Military Service Even if you possess dual citizenship with another country, if you are a Korean citizen (either by birth or blood), you must apply for the program as a Korean citizen. Male students between 18-36 years of age and with Korean citizenship might be subject to conscription into the Korean military if they haven't fulfilled their military service obligation. Check with the Korean Consulate for more information.
South Korean Passport and Visa Requirements Students who have a South Korean passport must enter South Korea with their South Korean passport. South Korean passport holders will not need a visa to study abroad for a semester or longer.
Learn more about applying for a student visa for South Korea.
Not a U.S. citizen? Consult the consulate website of your passport country and contact your IES Abroad Advisor.