University of Freiburg
An extra fee applies for students participating in more than one course at the Art and Music schools.
The University is divided into 11 faculties, which together offer courses of study in 60 different fields.
As a fully-matriculated student at this university, you can enroll in courses in the following faculties:
- Applied Sciences
- Biology
- Chemistry, Pharmacy, and Geological Sciences
- Economics and Behavioral Sciences
- Environment & Natural Resources
- Law
- Mathematics and Physics
- Philology
- Philosophy
- Theology
Visit the University's website for current and past course offerings. Course offerings vary from semester to semester and exact course availability is determined shortly before the start of each semester.
Sprachlehrinstitut of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (SLI)
You may take additional language courses at the SprachLehrInstitut. Some courses require a small additional cost.
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Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg
An extra fee applies for students participating in more than one course at the Art and Music schools.
The Hochschule is organized into three faculties or departments. Visit the Hochschule's website for to view current and past course offerings (click on Vorlesungsverzeichnis).
- Faculty I: Institutes for Child Development; Adult Education; Media and Education; and Philosophy.
- Faculty II: Institutes for German Language and Literature; Foreign Languages; Arts; and Sport.
- Faculty III: Institutes for Biology, Chemistry, Geography, and Physics; Protestant and Catholic Theology; Mathematics and Computer Science Education; Social Sciences; and Home Economics.
The Hochschule is particularly known for its offerings in Education. You receive approximately 2 to 4 credits upon successful completion of each course.
Course offerings vary from semester to semester. Exact course availability is determined shortly before the start of each semester.
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